Work Day Weekend
This Labor Day weekend, we took the name to heart and dove in on a few house projects. Andy cleaned and stained the deck and we both painted the living room. I put the living room back together while he was staining the deck, in case you were about to cry foul regarding the division of labor. Yeah, yeah, I also watched an O.C. marathon on the Soap Opera Network while I did it, but he got a tan while he stained, so who's to say anything?
I also took the extra time at home as my chance to wage a full-on war with the flies which have been slowly but steadily taking over our house. A couple of weeks ago there were just a few, and while annoying, I expected them to just die off. Apparently they set up camp and starting making babies. I don't know how else to explain their growth in ranks. Luckily they're pretty slow and lazy, so they were no match for the pissed off woman of the house and her rolled up copy of Cottage Living (side note: I don't know how we started getting this magazine, but it comes on a regular basis now). I believe there are one or two survivors remaining, currently on death row. They better be saying their last prayers right now, because when I get home today, there will be no mercy.
Here's a quick look into the Stevenson home this weekend.

Thanks for the use of the ladder, Cre8tive Group!

Elsa sits where her dog bed normally lies, with a forlorn look that says, "This is all your fault."

Hurley shows off the result of an "emergency" trip to the vet on Saturday. He's now on antibiotics for an unknown, foreign tumor on his leg (should turn out to be nothing). Held even more firmly in place with a bit of blue painter's tape, after he spent a good deal of time chewing on the first bandage.

As Andy stained, he was subjected to the occasional loud whack against the window from my vitriolic attack on the flies.

While we painted the dogs caught up on their napping and spent time perfecting the look we humans have termed "puppy dog eyes."

Moving the bookcase while the books are still in it = not fun.

The fruits of our labor (day weekend). Yes, that's Ryan Atwood
on the screen, probably brooding.
This Labor Day weekend, we took the name to heart and dove in on a few house projects. Andy cleaned and stained the deck and we both painted the living room. I put the living room back together while he was staining the deck, in case you were about to cry foul regarding the division of labor. Yeah, yeah, I also watched an O.C. marathon on the Soap Opera Network while I did it, but he got a tan while he stained, so who's to say anything?
I also took the extra time at home as my chance to wage a full-on war with the flies which have been slowly but steadily taking over our house. A couple of weeks ago there were just a few, and while annoying, I expected them to just die off. Apparently they set up camp and starting making babies. I don't know how else to explain their growth in ranks. Luckily they're pretty slow and lazy, so they were no match for the pissed off woman of the house and her rolled up copy of Cottage Living (side note: I don't know how we started getting this magazine, but it comes on a regular basis now). I believe there are one or two survivors remaining, currently on death row. They better be saying their last prayers right now, because when I get home today, there will be no mercy.
Here's a quick look into the Stevenson home this weekend.

Thanks for the use of the ladder, Cre8tive Group!

Elsa sits where her dog bed normally lies, with a forlorn look that says, "This is all your fault."

Hurley shows off the result of an "emergency" trip to the vet on Saturday. He's now on antibiotics for an unknown, foreign tumor on his leg (should turn out to be nothing). Held even more firmly in place with a bit of blue painter's tape, after he spent a good deal of time chewing on the first bandage.

As Andy stained, he was subjected to the occasional loud whack against the window from my vitriolic attack on the flies.

While we painted the dogs caught up on their napping and spent time perfecting the look we humans have termed "puppy dog eyes."

Moving the bookcase while the books are still in it = not fun.

The fruits of our labor (day weekend). Yes, that's Ryan Atwood
on the screen, probably brooding.