Jules' Inklings

A space for the unique assortment of topics that I find interesting, relevant or funny. But rarely all three at once.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Whiskers on Kittens
Sorry to everyone who reads both my blog and StephChurch's blog. Not only because we have the exact same design and layout, but also because we keep stealing blog ideas from each other. This time around I'm the dirty little thief. Hopefully this list will look a pinch different than hers.

This is all about reminding yourself of everything that you're thankful for in life - big and little alike. From snow to pizza to the mercy of God, this list is what makes life not just bearable, but actually enjoyable for me. Please no comments about how many food items are on here. With no further adieu, in alphabetical order, here are a few of my favorite things (78 to be exact).

a boss I like and respect
a college/life education
a faithful God
a family which grows closer each year
a good TV show (X-Files, Alias, Friends, Lost...)
a take-charge, strong Mom
a very cool Dad
an all-powerful God
an intimate God
better than average Coke (see McDonald's)
breakfast food
change of seasons
decorating the Christmas tree
down blankets
Dunkin' Donuts
eating more cookie dough than baked cookies
finding bargain clothing
finishing a run in 33 degree rain - and then getting warm/dry again
full weekends
Gap Outlet
getting my Dad's blue eyes
good music
growing up in Pittsburgh
inside jokes
instant messaging
Jane Austen
kisses from my friends' kids
knowing that I still get to plan my wedding day
llamas to wave at on Jessamine Station Rd.
low blood pressure (despite the amt of sodium I consume)
low-fat vanilla cone from McDonald's
"next year" for the Steelers
more than one place to call home
more to Easter than bunnies and chocolate
movie marathons with friends
movie theater popcorn with add your own butter spouts
movies that make me cry, think, laugh
my birthday
my little sister and all she's taught me
my own place
opening a new CD
packages in the mail
packed movie theater on opening night
packing for vacation
peanut butter milkshakes
people who care
people who make me laugh
real Christians
"refrigerator rights" at Shannan/Ed's house
road trips
running in sunny 55 degree weather
seeing the Steelers play (and win) in person this year
sleeping in
small bug population in my apt.
spur of the moment outings
Sundays at my Grandparents' house
the beach
the color on the walls of my office
the internet
the library
walking to work
Wendy's Wednesdays
worshipping at my church


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