Jules' Inklings

A space for the unique assortment of topics that I find interesting, relevant or funny. But rarely all three at once.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

What Are We Celebrating Again?
St. Patrick was the wealthy son of a clergyperson who lived in Roman Britain during the fifth century. As a young man he rejected the faith of his family and lived a wild life with his wealthy friends. When he was a teenager, raiders from Ireland kidnapped Patrick, took him to Ireland and sold him into slavery. For six years he faced hunger, deprivation and nakedness as he served his master as a shepherd. During his servitude, Patrick returned to the faith of his family. When he was alone in the fields he turned to God and found solace through faith in Jesus Christ. After a number of years Patrick received a vision from God that called him to escape and return to his home. By God’s protection he returned home. In time he sensed a calling to be a priest in the church. In the midst of the years of preparation for this vocation, Patrick again heard God’s call. This time it was a call to return to the Irish and bring to them the message of God’s extravagant love revealed in Jesus Christ.

Patrick obeyed this heavenly voice and returned to Ireland as a Bishop to make disciples of Jesus Christ and organize communities of Christians throughout the land. Within Patrick’s lifetime, a multitude of faith communities were founded and within a few generations the Irish people were converted from paganism to Christianity. The Irish,
or Celtic, Church then sent missionaries all over Scotland, England and Northern Europe.

Today is an opportunity to reflect on the life of Saint Patrick. He is a great example of holiness and missionary zeal. He reminds us that mission is not the purview of a few special folks, but is the lifeblood of all disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Peter Matthews


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