Jules' Inklings

A space for the unique assortment of topics that I find interesting, relevant or funny. But rarely all three at once.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Boy, can't turn back now. I've been doing half-marathons since 2004 now, consistently dodging the "when are you going to do a full?" inevitable inquiry. Knowing I'd commit eventually, it was always safely, vaguely sometime "in the future." But now it has a date (this year), a place, and most importantly, it has my money. I now have a date with 26.2 miles.


  • At 5/17/2007 10:08 AM, Blogger shoes said…

    good luck on that. i dont even want to drive 26.2 miles.....

  • At 5/22/2007 10:27 AM, Blogger Jules said…

    ha! seriously. i mean, where does 26.2 miles out of Pittsburgh get ya anyways? Beaver Falls? please.

    although if you really wanted to take one for the team, you could drive alongside me blasting my pre-selected music playlist from your car's stereo. although if they don't allow iPods, they probably don't allow this.

  • At 5/22/2007 2:57 PM, Blogger Becky said…

    Way to go, Jules! You're my hero.

  • At 5/22/2007 3:53 PM, Blogger Jules said…

    isn't that, like, the same place? close enough.

    actually, if you go out 26 miles i think you finally hit the airport. (oooh! burn on the airport!)

  • At 6/06/2007 10:36 AM, Blogger Alison said…

    LOVE your cleaning tip on my blog---I will be hiding my paper towels from now on and act like "oh, my house is just always like this..."

    Also-Laura Bush's bio sounds interesting! Let me know how it goes!

  • At 6/12/2007 3:37 PM, Blogger Cherie from the Queen of Free said…

    I'm putting in a housing request with A and Bro so team Lowe can be there to cheer for you. Go Julie, it's your birthday . . .

  • At 6/22/2007 11:46 AM, Blogger Zac Derr said…

    rock on Jules! you'll love Colombus. what a great first marathon. I see you building your athletic resume.


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