Jules' Inklings

A space for the unique assortment of topics that I find interesting, relevant or funny. But rarely all three at once.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Wow - it's totally time to blog again. To anyone who cares: sorry for being such a blogging slacker. And I apologize in advance for how boring this one surely will be.

It's another one of those stupidly nice spring days today. I'm soaking it in now. By Saturday morning, it's going to be in the 30s and raining. Oh yeah, and I'm going to run in a 10 mile race on Saturday morning. Jealous, huh? I'm never going to blog about running in the rain again and how great it is. I totally asked for this.

More running adventures to report though... got chased down by two dogs nipping at my heels yesterday. And on my new favorite hill too. Total bummer, as now I'm kinda scared to go back to it. I believe it was only by the grace of God that they did not bite me, because they did not give up easily. I just kept running and praying, "Dear Lord, please don't let them bite me..." I probably should have stopped and let them smell me, then moved on slowly. Hindsight is 20/20.

I don't know what else to write about today, so I'm going to include some quotes about Survivor: All-Stars from my favorite reviewer, Christine Seghers. If you don't watch, feel free to move on now. Christine is a comic genius (in my eyes) because she takes the things that people on Survivor say and do and gives them her own little irreverant twist. Case in point, last week everyone knows that Boston Rob (or Chachi as she calls him) and his tribe of lemmings made WAY too big a deal out of Amber having to switch to the other tribe. Here's Christine's take on what went down:

"At Camp Fakko Fakko, Chachi has lost all his bounce and arrogance. He sighs, 'Ah hope Ambuh's okay. Ah keer abou' huh an' it kills me tuh have huh ovuh dere buh huhself.' Rupert nods, 'I just pray they don't kill her and eat her for food," as the others nod soberly. Jenna quietly sobs."

The next part is a rather long excerpt from earlier in the season when former winner, Jenna Morasca, decided to leave the game to go be with her dying mother. Yes, it was a a very serious situation and everyone feels bad for Jenna and supports her decision to leave. What follows in Christine's review, however, is one of the funniest things she's ever written.

All three tribes arrive at the Immunity Beach, where an elaborate looking challenge will go unplayed. Or maybe they'll leave it up and play it next time, I dunno, but the point is, they don't play it today. It starts with everyone "taking in" the new Yogi's, and Hatch reacts with mocking false-sorrow at Rudy's departure. Jeff asks how everyone's doing--actually, he asks the PYT's from each tribe how they're doing: Poor Jenna, Amber and Rich Jenna. Poor Jenna's grrrrrreeeeat! Amber's just peachy, thanks! Hatch speaks for a weepy Jenna, and pretends he gives a rat's patootie about the "emotional things" going on at Leggo My Eggo. Then Rich Jenna announces, "Due to an illness in my family, I need to pull myself out of the game. I love this game but my priority is my family." She declares that her mother's condition has gotten worse. Jeff frowns, "You're talking like you're getting updates or something and if that's true, I'll find out who leaked this information and fire their ass!" Jenna shakes her head, "No, it's like a psychic connection--She's my mother, I'm her only child, I got a vibe--I saw the Symbolic Pelican of Death rise out over the ocean, and I know she needs me there. I made a bad judgment call, I shouldn't have came--she wanted me to do this but I'd never forgive myself if she died while I was here (CBS cuts to a weepy Ethan, who's Dad died after a long illness when he was a teenager). CBS is such a bastard--even the way they promoted this--"You won't BELIEVE what happens in the LAST 15 minutes!!!!" I guess we should count our blessings that they didn't say, "Tonight on Survivor: SOMEBODY DIES!!!"

Jeff opens up the discussion to the peanut gallery. Honestly, I think Hatch is the only person who really gets this from a game POV: Hey, Jenna's LEAVING. We don't have to expend any energy trying to win immunity and none of the rest of us are going home: Neat-o! Alicia scowls, "Yo, family rules, aiiight. There's nothing more important. I wouldn't've come out here to begin with--I want you to go, I nevuh woulda come. Evuh!" Kath gets all Mother Bear protective and barks back, "Hey, Jenna ADMITTED she made a mistake by abandoning her mother back at the hospice to die alone, okay?" Alicia shrugs, unfazed, "I know she admits it--So?" Amber decides to be the goodwill ambassador of Shakira and asks Jeff for permission to cross the sacred Tribal lines and give Jenna a hug, which he allows--gee, thanks, Jeff. Jenna continues, "I just want to give major props to all you guys--the game is really hard this time and you're a lot stronger than me." This sets off Jeff's Osten-o-meter, "Wai-wai-wait! Are you quitting because you're mother's dying of cancer as we speak, or are you quitting because you're a whiny wimp with no respect for THE GAME like that contestant whose torch we banished!? Because if you just can't handle it, then you're coming to Tribal Council, missy, and I'll shame ya! I'll shame ya good!" Jenna retorts, "Uh, HELLO, I handled it so well last time that I WON, dumbass. I need this time with my mom, okay?" Chachi tearfully tells Jeff to back off, "Ah don' tink dat it's right fuh any of us tuh question her motives--I say we suppaht huh, an not jus because uh duh fact dat she's haht." Rupert chimes in, "I feel bad fuh her, because I'm so sensitive, but I also condemn her fuh quitting because I'm such a competitor. That's the dichotomy that is Rupert." Big Tom blathers, "Ah maiyd commih't ahs cu'n hyeh. Ah tol' meh faimleh, if'n thaiy ul dodd in cah wreck? Ah'l be thar aferts over. Ah maiyd thet sihzyon fer Big Tom--a lot of paypul er diff'rnt then Big Tom." THANK GOD. Jeff sighs, "Okay, Jenna, I guess we can't keep you here and force to you to try and win a million dollars--and believe me, I DID ask our lawyers but they said that even though we're in a foreign land, you're an American citizen and it would constitute false imprisonment. But this could have BIG HUGE consequences to the game--especially if we were trying to bring back all the ousted players back for some reason, which we're NOT. Probably. Plus, you're giving a free pass to everyone else including the Big Loser Yogi's! And you're leaving your tribe a person short which means only ONE of them can sit out of the challenges, instead of two! Can you live with that?" "Yep." "Can you make it to Tribal Council?" "Nope." Jeff looks bummed about the no Tribal Council thing. Jenna is hugged by everyone and then she waves goodbye. A Speedboat takes her away from the islands and then a card comes up: "Jenna raced back home. Eight Days later, her mother lost her long battle with cancer so, turns out it was a good thing that she left when she did, huh?" Many are left to feel bad for making fun of her, yet their contempt of Jenna is understandable because she was best friends with Heidi.


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