Jules' Inklings

A space for the unique assortment of topics that I find interesting, relevant or funny. But rarely all three at once.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Invasion of the Stretchy Panel
Thoughts from Week 13
Today, Tuesday April 29th, I wore maternity pants for the first time. I was sick of my limited wardrobe, of trying to find yet another work appropriate outfit that didn't feel so uncomfortable against my bloated belly. And when my friend Jenni gave them to me she said, you’ll probably want to wear these more early on. Indeed, they are much more fitted than some of the pants I’ve been given already. In fact, they look like completely normal khakis on me, they’re just stretchy at the top – which, let me tell you, is totally awesome. Kind of makes you want to wear maternity pants for the rest of your life.

But why am I even offering a defense, you ask? Who cares if I wear maternity pants? I am pregnant, after all - isn't that what they're for? I guess that enough people telling you they could wear their regular clothes until 20 weeks will make a girl feel a little self-conscious that she’s getting fat too quickly. But if I start now, the comparisons will never stop. So, all guilt aside, this morning I pulled on the pants that fit.

I’m comfortable and I look good (I think). What else can you ask for really?

This week our baby is the size of a lime. Mmm, margaritas.


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